Letecká doprava

Letecká doprava se stará o přepravu osob i nákladu. Pomocí letadel je možné přepravit takřka jakoukoliv zásilku, od malých poštovních balíčků, přes standardní zásilky až po nadrozměrné náklady. Letecký transport zboží i osob je rychlý a nadmíru bezpečný.

Providing the maintenance of aircrafts, their aircraft parts and equipment (AMO), the supply of spare parts and the provision of a continuing airworthiness management service (CAMO) of Beechcraft B300 aircrafts

The subject of this procurement procedure is the conclusion of a framework agreement to provide maintenance services for Beechcraft B300 aircrafts, their aircraft parts and equipment (AMO) and continuing airworthiness management service (CAMO) for period of 2025 - 2026. Delivery of spare parts is also part of the performance. Detailed description of the subject of performance of the public…

ILS system renewal 2025+

The subject of performance of this public contract is delivery of 5pcs of ILS in different configuration with accessories.
